About Library
The Library of SVHEC was established in the year of 2008, which is the Zenith of our Institution. The library has developed with excellent collection of books, journals,e-resources and non-book materials in science, engineering, technology, humanities, management and general for the welfare of the students. The library possesses books related to competitive exams also. It maintains separate collections of reference books, standards, bound volumes of journals, technical reports, theses, video cassettes and compact discs. The library is using CampesiLIB OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue). The users can search with Online Catalogue by author’s name, title, subject and keywords available. A modern digital library with high speed internet access and audio visual room is also housed in the premises.
- Graduate: Up to 3 items for 15 days
- Postgraduate: Up to 5 items for 15 days
- Faculty/Staff: Up to 7 items for one semester
Working Days
- working hours: 8.30 am To 7.30 pm
- Issues / returns: 9.00 am To 5.30 pm
- Working hours: 9.00 am To 12.00 Noon
Librarian Details
S.Devaki| M.A., M.L.I.S | Assitant Librarian
T.Aswathkhan | M.Com M.L.I.S | Library Assistant
About Hostel
Separate Hostel facilities are available for Boys and Girls. The Hostel provides accommodation for all the needy students. The rooms are furnished with Table, Chair, Cot and Fan. A Committee consisting of the following personnel manages the Hostel /Warden/Dy. Warden/ Asst. Warden.
The College has built separate Hostel for Boys and Girls. The Boys Hostel has 300 rooms to accommodate 500 students. The rooms are furnished for double bed, three bed occupancy from economy to delux suite to make it affordable to every section.
Hostel Facilities
The Hostel is meant to be yet another home for students. The inmates of the Hostel are expected to be mutually friendly and co-operative with their fellow students.
- No student should indulge in any undesirable activity thereby causing problems to the smooth functioning of the Hostel.
- Smoking or use of liquor or any other intoxicant or playing cards is strictly prohibited. The guilty will be expelled from the hostel with immediate effect.
- Study hours are observed from 8.30 P.M. to 10.30 P.M. and students should devote these hours only to their studies.
- Attendance will be taken by the Deputy Warden during study hours.
- No student is allowed to go out of the Hostel after 9.00 P.M. Prior permission should be obtained from the Warden for entertaining visitors/guests in the Hostel. They are required to maintain order and discipline.
About Seminar and Conference Halls

About Sports
SVHEC encourages students to participate in Sports and Games giving importance to physical education as well as encouraging student’s interests. A professional physical director is appointed to train students in their interest. The facilities for Sports and Games are funded to encourage students by conducting and participating the special events and tournaments in university, zone and state levels. The Campus has adequate sports infrastructure e.g. Cricket, Volleyball, Football, Badminton, Chess and several other indoor and outdoor games. Along with the sports we provide Gym facilities to our students to make them strong and brave.- Boys and Girls who join this College are selected for the different Outdoor and Indoor games based on their earlier exposure at school level. The new players for the various sports and games are picked up by the interest evidenced by them in sports activities.
- The selected students are given rigorous training and coaching by the Physical Education department apart from few theory classes to enlighten them about the rules of the games. The Management procures in consultation with Department the entire essential play materials, which is under the custody of the Department for instant use by the students.
- Our students have bagged good winning records at the inter-departmental, inter-collegiate, University and National level. The achievements of players have been classified on the basis of Sports Games.
- The students practicing various sports and games are given routine physical exercises over and above the yoga and meditation which strengthen the concentration and contribution of the players.
Internet and Computing
Leased Line | 100 | Airtel Broadband Line | 200 Mbps | BSNL

About Gym
Well equipped gymnasium is available in college hostel separately for men / women both students and faculty. Physical activity is good for your mental health. Health is wealth, and you get that wealth only by working out. In this regard, we have provided gym facility to the students and faculty. Both Physical and Mental Health play an important role for the well being of an Individual. In tune with the objective of all round development of the students, the campus is equipped with gymnasium. This area (comprising nearly 200 sq.ft) has a range of equipments like dumb bells, Steering plates, skipping ropes and etc.,
About Yoga
Training in Yoga & Meditation is offered to the students in the Yoga Centre. Yoga Experts from International Yoga Centre, They are teaching the principles of Yoga to all the members. The activities of the club include: The Art of Living Course, Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) and BKS Iyengar Asanas. Yoga classes are conducted for students and staff.YOGA is the science of healthy & better living, Physically, Mentally, Intellectual & spiritual. YOGA controls the mental modification of mind & its regulation also Overall development of personality has griming knowledge of self to develop oneself physically mentally & spiritually & solution to the entire problem. The Yoga is conducted for students regularly through Fine Arts Club which was established in the year 2011 and organizing every year.
Indian Overseas Bank ATM
Canteen & RO Planet
A Co-operative Store is available next to the Canteen. It satisfies the entire cosmetic, stationery, and other academic needs of the students.
- Rest room facility is extended to dayscholars.
- Separate lunch rooms are available for dayscholar boys and girls.
- The canteen serves the separate dining rooms are available for boys and girls.
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a membrane technical filtration method that removes many types of large molecules and ions from solutions by applying pressure to the solution when it is on one side of a selective membrane. The result is that the solute is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the other side.